Martine Ballegeer

Make it detailed, defined, specific
While working on the remuneration of a communication agency, the first step for the advertiser is to list a scope of work that is detailed, defined and specific in a way that it(weglaten) allows the agency to be able to estimate resource requirements, scheduling and costs. If not clear, the agency will build contingencies. It also allows the marketeer to manage the requirements and increase the marketing budget by removing duplications and uncertainties.
Of course, you’ll argue that in a dynamic market, it may be difficult to specify all of the marketing requirements for the year ahead. But it’s not because it is not 100% certain, that you should postpone or cancel the exercise. Start by listing the requirements that are known and even include those that are most probable. You can look at the current year as a good starting point.
Work output based
Make a list of deliverables. A list of outputs encourage greater specificity compared to a list of roles and responsibilities. This should include the tangibles (eg TV spot, FB post,..) as well as the intangibles (linked to the collaboration process such as Strategic plan, positioning workshop, …)
Define the requirement level
Not all deliverables need the same resources from the agency. Make a split between : new creation - refresh/adapt. Else it would be natural to assume all output in the scope of work are new pieces of work. to be originated(weglaten).
Organise per channel
Gather the input of all departments of the organisation in one list and organise per channel
Organise per month
If your scope of work is very extensive, it might also be necessary to organise it per month. This will allow the agency to foresee the necessary resources month after month and pick up on peaks.
Making a scope of work for your agency is quite an extensive job and takes a lot of time but it is definitely worth the effort because it can significantly deliver efficiencies and savings.